Ms. Kathryn Bonzo » Posts


Using our Google Classroom to take Math Readiness Test
The kids start with their Doceo Accounts to log in and then go to the 'waffle' by their name and click on the classroom icon. From there, they joined my 2022-2023 class. In this virtual space, we will be able to do all sorts of curricula. This is the support for the textbooks in our class.
Today they started taking the math assessment to see what they remember and what they need to learn. They use their math notebooks to do the work. They are learning to take notes as they work and see their notebook as a place that shows progress. We will get back to it on Tuesday.
4th Grade! First Days Together
We were in our Morning Meeting and had just made a Human Bar Graph to analyze our greetings! So fun to show them lots of ways to use math as a tool. 
We are off to a great start!
Clarissssa🐍 popped out to say "Hello"!
It is 'getting ready time' and even Clarissssa feels it as teachers have been back working in their rooms. 
🌼I am excited to welcome my new 4th-grade class! WELCOME!😊
We will get to build on all they did with wonderful Ms. Pyle!
Looking forward to seeing you all at the MCS Open House! You can bring in supplies and leave them here and then on the first day of school, we will get everything sorted.
See you soon! Ms. Bonzo🦉
Faboulous 4th Graders at the Parachute for 🦁MCS Field Day!🌞
It has been a very emotional, memorable, and beyond interesting year with these kids!
Thank you families! I have enjoyed getting to know your kids and you all. May our summer be filled with health and good times.
Onward to 5th Grade!
Thank you, Ms. Bonzo🦉
MCS Grades 3-5 School Play
The whole night was so fun and the kids loved performing at the terrific UI venue-- Hartung Theater!
Way to Use the Criteria List Wyatt! He has all the tools!
 We read The Whipping Boy and have done so much writing. The kids are finishing up this final project by writing about how one of the main characters changes during the story. They have to include a list of things. That means they need to have compound and complex sentences, adjectives, and adverbs, cite pages and give details that help the reader flow with what happened to either Prince Horace or Jemmy. 
Bob the Pinata was a great Social Studies and Math Lesson
Samirah wanted to help us celebrate and today the kids took over 50 swings to get this very full llama to open. Then, like on Halloween, the kids shared the candy equally. This idea reinforced cooperation. The dividend was about 374 pieces of candy divided by 17 kids 22 pieces per kid! They were allowed to eat three at school. Check the backpacks because that is where the rest are!
Thanks Samirah and Family for the sweet end of our year!
Reading while waiting for public transit to get back to school after visiting the Moscow Public Library!
The kids got to search for books and materials. They were given a great tour of the organization of the library (upstairs) and the way books are processed (downstairs).
They brought their library cards too! They were so excited to check out two books each.
After lunch on the library steps, we went to Friendship Square for some recess.
Thank you to Ms. Snow for helping to get this field trip planned!
Making their own protractor
Today the kids were given directions to measure green and yellow paper-- 4"x1", use a 'brad' to create the vertex, cut arrow points at the ends, and highlight the edges so that they could go outside and notice the angles of the climbing play structure and the geodome. Before we went outside, they showed all the angles of 90,180,270,45, and 315 with their green and gold protractor.
They were put into 2 separate groups and each came back and did a sketch of their structure and noted which angles they found the most and least and other observations.  
They were surprised that one structure had one type of angle and the other a majority of another. Hope you see them using it around your homes!
Particial Quotient Practice with a Partner
 Here Grayson and Declan are looking at the structure of the division problem and how math facts can be used to figure out the solution. Figurative language helps to remember lots of elements of this strategy.
We discussed how differently they all work and how to check the math with arrays. We discussed remainders and what they mean. It was good practice.
McConnell Mansion History Lessons
The kids learned about the life and times of the people who built and lived in the house and how the Latah Historical Society creates this space for learning and activities. 
Our docent, Sandra Kelly, was an interesting storyteller and reminded the kids about the research that she does to learn more so that she can share all the things she learns.
The kids were amazed by the technology of the time and how the house and its things are artifacts of meaning. 
Our future representatives - Mayor Clover and the City Councilmembers
     After visiting the McConnell Mansion led by our Docent Sandra Kelly, we ate lunch at the 1912 Great Room (Thanks Jenny Kostroff!) because it was pouring rain. We went to the 3rd Street Gallery in City Hall and viewed the installation there called Restoration. I knocked on her door and City Clerk, Laurie Hopkins, talked about her job and then let the kids into the chamber. It was a good conversation about the building and what government does.
Then, we walked to Friendship Square and the kids got to play there. 
    Once back in our classroom, we talked about why this field trip went so well. They said it was because they did what they were supposed to do-- school thinking and doing! Yay!
Thanks to the parents and grandparents that joined us!
JT Van Leuven and Bees
 This UI Biologist came and talked about how bacteria and viruses are part of the insect population and he has bees that he studies. The kids who are already familiar with pollination got to go more in-depth with what happens with microscopic life. 
Thanks to Melissa Snow for helping us get him in as a speaker!
 This is a great example of kids' work!
Creating a Topic Sentence for The Whipping Boy Project Paragraphs that go through individual creation, cooperative analysis, and whole-group reflection.
      The sentences that you see on the board are collaborative work. The formula for a strong topic sentence needed to be applied-- strong subject and specific focus. Then we went over what worked and what the other sentences were doing, whether they summarized or added particular facts from the story.
     We are on our final project. It will include a few paragraphs, Pointillism, a math model, and two selected similies from the novel that we read in Literature Circle.
       For this whole story reading, the kids were put into three groups for our Literature Circle. Some read with me, some with Ms. Buehler and Ms. VanGuten. The kids learned to watch the plot's events through the lens of the conflict between the two main characters. They learned that each character grew and changed in the story. They loved discussing with each other.
Literature Circles are a wonderful shared class experience!