2024-2025 Registration-Now Available!!
To secure your child's spot for the 2024-2025 school year, the deadline to submit registration forms and all other required documents is August 4th, 2024. Please make sure you have read our Parent and Student Handbook (first), and then complete the required registration form and submit all additional required documents to us by this date.
We are continuing to use an online fillable form for registration this year, you will no longer need to complete the PDF forms (except for some optional forms). These online forms can be completed on a computer or right on your phone. If you have any questions, please contact the office!
Please note that our registration forms must be completed each year, even if your student attended last year. Students may not attend school if their registration forms are incomplete, no exceptions.
Additional Required Documents:
- Proof of Residence-(Utility Bill, Mortgage/Deed or Lease/Rent Agreement)
- Updated Immunization Records-(Parents/Guardians may go to this website to learn how to pull their students records if they were vaccinated in Idaho: www.healthandwelfare.idaho.
gov/immunizationrecords ) - Copy of Birth Certificate- (Kindergarten and new students only)
- Home Language Survey- (Kindergarten and new students only) This survey's purpose is to determine whether a student is potentially eligible for language services.
Transportation Forms (only required if your student(s) will ride the bus):
- 2024-2025 MCS Transportation Application-(contact MSD first, then complete our application)
- MSD Transportation Application-(turned in to MSD bus garage)
- MSD Kindergarten Transportation Permission Form- (turned in to MSD bus garage)
Optional Forms:
- Free and Reduced Lunch Application-(This form must be completed to be eligible for the program. If you have already completed it via MSD, we will still need you to complete one for us, we are separate food program entities)
- Permission to Administer Medication-(This form must be completed by the parent/guardian and signed by a physician if medication is to be administered during the school day. This includes over the counter medication.)
- Idaho School Immunization Requirements Exemption Form-(This form must be completed if you opt out of immunizations for your child)
For a class supply list, please click here! Student Supply Lists