Winter Weather Procedures
Cold Weather Tips:
With colder months ahead, please be sure to pack warm gloves, socks, jackets, hats, etc. for your child to wear outside while playing. In order to avoid losing these items, please label them with your child's name.
Winter Weather Closure Procedure:
With winter weather approaching, we would like to remind you of our inclement weather protocol.
Per our charter, we will be following the decision of Greg Bailey, Superintendent of the Moscow School District. Greg and Greg Harris, the Transportation Supervisor, will begin assessing the situation at 4:00 am. They will be driving the roads, viewing the internet weather forecasts, and contacting county and city road departments to check on road conditions and the forecasted weather. They also will view the traffic cameras located within Moscow and along highway 95 to determine current conditions throughout the region, as well as predict whether the storm will continue or be short-lived.
After reviewing all of the information, Greg Bailey will make the final decision to close school based on whether there is drifting snow in the surrounding rural areas within the district boundaries, the roads are extremely slick, and the weather appears to be getting worse and a forecast that predicts the poor weather to continue. If school is determined to be canceled, notification will be sent out by 6:00 am. Our office will send an email and post on our website and Facebook page to notify families. We will also inform media groups such as KHQ, KLEW, KREM, KXLY, and our local radio stations. Please check these locations in the morning to find out if school will be in session.
We do not participate in two hour delays because many of the School District bus drivers work part time and have other jobs in between routes which makes them unavailable.
Hopefully, this answers any questions you may have as we head into the winter months.