Ms. Kathryn Bonzo » Posts


 At the Fair--Mr. Zach of the Latah County Historical Society 
teaches about telephones.
We spent time thinking about the perspectives of stories and how diaries and photos can bring to life so many interesting things about people that lived in this area.
We had a very good field trip!
Former 4th Graders, who were a great help, are 7th Graders, and still a great help! Chau and Samantha are part of the team that is collecting Trex for the school. 
MCS is getting lots of plastic and so far we have collected over 640 pounds since the beginning of the school year.
Keep bringing in plastic to keep out of the landfill or rivers and oceans.
Scholastic Book Orders!!
Here is one happy 4th grader! He was the first to order and there will be more books coming in from other students coming in soon. The code is in their planners if you want to order online. Here is the link:
The kids are really getting into the Class Jobs and that is great to have them taking care of our classroom space.
I have already seen a lot of growth in responsibility for learning!  They are on the right track. Be sure to talk to your child about what they are doing and the things they are using-- their tools; dictionaries, textbooks, small whiteboards.
Oberservations in Community Garden-- Our first fieldtrip!
The kids are learning to take in the sights, sounds, and sensations around them. They categorize, map, and analyze what they have collected. Gathering data is interesting and one part of the Scientific Process. The kids did a great job of following directions-- which is especially important when we leave our campus. This picture is 1/2 the class as the other 1/2 was with Ms. Anne in Technology.
And speaking of field trips, the Planners have been filled with 3 dates. Parents, please sign that you have seen each one. More details with come through your responsible kids and, of course through me via emails, and this post.
Please join us on one of our upcoming content filled field trips!!
Discussion about Science and sharing information
We prepared for our "Observation" lesson tomorrow at the Moscow Community Garden. We had discussed what is science and written the actual definition. Then we talked about the difference between opinion and fact. Tomorrow the kids will make observations about what they see, hear, and feel in sensations for 7 minutes while there. They will organize their facts and we are using this first outside activity lesson to think about the Scientific Process.
Using Reading Strategies to connect to text material
We did some really great thinking today using our Newsela article on nutrition. The kids sat with their Job Partner and reread the article and then interacted with it. They learned to make Text to Self, Text to Text, and Text to World connections. We talked about what it takes to really learn and how to study. They realized that we had read the material at least 10 times. 
Cooperating with Job Partner
Our 4th Grade Class Jobs are shared and that helps the kids learn to work together. There are Bubbalou Blue Checkers and White Board Wipers. Each job is essential to the class. In the picture, the kids are sharing with their partner and talking about the job and how and when to do it. 
Cursive and Grammar Focus! 
The kids were honest that writing in cursive is hard and takes practice. They started today with the alphabet and their name. Then, they looked at their work and self-evaluated which 3 letters were good, which needed improvement, and made a line to show how much work they could do in 20 minutes. We used colored pencils to interact with the work.
They will get much better with practice and it is fun to see how many really like learning this skill that allows them to read other types of fonts and helps the kids with fine motor movement in their fingers.
We have a very strong first day! Please sign their Planners.
Thank You!
3 Reading LogsTurned in for each per Quarter-- All you have to do is sign the form to validate that they read. Have your 4th Grader pick up a Reading Log tonight...they are right by the door as you come into our classroom. :)
Research has proven that reading is the best way to do well in school.
In 4th Grade, reading for 40 minutes a night is required. The kids can read anything that they find interesting. They can read with you and for more than 40 minutes a day outside of school is totally great. The goal is to read in one sitting to help them gain stamina and focus. Talk to them about what they read or ask questions about the characters and plot. This leisure reading is very different than a textbook or academic work and it is fun to see what your child finding entertaining, inspiring, or intriguing.
Ready to go and just need the 4th Grade Kids! 
I thought it would be fun to send the updated picture-- I am excited with how we are all counting down the days to start school.
On August 27 at 5:30-7 p.m., MCS will have our Back to School Night.
It will be fun to meet you all and for you to have a look around.
4th Grade Room moved into the center to get walls painted!
I took this panorama picture sometime this summer as the whole school was getting painted, new carpet and flooring installed, and deep cleaned. Wow--so many books and things to sort--lots of wonderful resources to use. When you see it on the 27th, you will love it. Clarisssssa thinks it is SSSSSpectactular! :)
See you soon, Ms. Bonzo