Ms. Kathryn Bonzo » Posts


📚Supporting At-Home Lessons💻 -- Only 1 Notebook 📝
As the first quarter has come to an end, there is a change needed in order to help the kids with the Hybrid Learning Model. The new way is designed to make the school/home connection stronger so that each student will transfer their work to their proper in-class subject area notebooks when they come to school. They do staple their work in each notebook during the start of the day when they return after 5 days at home already. Now the work will come from one source.
This will be the only notebook that goes back and forth to school and home.

💎The goal is to get more work completed while the kids are doing their online learning and have all their materials with them in class. 
Each student will be given a notebook with their name and the label of ALL Subject Notebook. This is the one they work in while at home. The kids will understand that this will help for better organization. There will be plenty of discussion so that they know what to do. (The kids in Cohort B will get their notebook today and the kids in Cohort A will get their notebook on Monday.)
Again, this notebook is for the actual material that they are doing with the online portion of this model. We will keep supporting the kids in their new learning spaces! ✨
Thank you, Ms. Bonzo🦉