Ms. Kathryn Bonzo » Posts


Clarissssa meets the class!
The volume level of the room jumped up so much when I said, "Since we have finished the scientific process-- (backward from results to question about the shed skin from my snake, I said, "We should get Clarissssa out."
The kids made a circle with the chairs and stools as we do for Morning Meeting or a Writers' Circle. We talked about compassion and empathy and what everyone, including Clarissssa would be feeling. Then, I asked Ian to hold Clarissssa when I got her out. He has a bearded dragon and has had other reptiles and felt comfortable being the first. There were mixed feelings from fear to excitement. I told about when I first got Clarissssa 12 years ago and all that I had learned. She has been a great class pet. 
The kids were so careful with her that I will be able to add the class job back of Clarissssa Handlers. They were really happy!