Ms. Kathryn Bonzo » Posts


VR or Virtual Reality Expeditions 
Led by Mr. Collins after he and I had downloaded 4th Grade content for Social Studies and Science support, the kids were able to see Fort Mandan from the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Chinese New Year, and information on Climate Change from the peak of the Mattadorn to the depth of the Great Barrier Reef. They expeditions are very useful as there is ample information for narration read by the teacher to explain the photos or CGI to explain the 360-degree view. 
After the lesson, I asked the kids to pick one of the expeditions to explain what they saw and learned from 'being there' with the others at their table. Then they shared out things they liked. The VR viewers do give you the sensation of standing at the locations. It is powerful for these places to become real.
Also, I told the kids that it was a fun time for me getting to learn from Mr. Collins and an example of 'Collaboration'. Thank you, Mr. Collins!!