Ms. Kathryn Bonzo » Posts


Discussions on Capacity and Conversion
We are really digging deep into how things are measured, times, and weighed. It has been fun to have the kids bring in containers. Brooklyn, Abby, and Claire all brought in empty containers. We look at the customary and metric numbers for comparison.
Yesterday, I put up pictures from Time Magazine that showed kids from around the world and what they eat. We looked at their portions, found their countries on the map in the Planner, thought about their clothes and customs, and noticed the containers and types of food they eat. The kids noticed that those with more processed food access were heavier than others.
We have been talking about healthy eating too since the containers being brought in list ingredients and sugar amounts. Xien, Anabelle, and Zach sat together yesterday and here shared their thoughts. Each table came up to give a look and discuss what they saw and thought. 
The kids are really working well together now and our first quarter has been really interesting. 
Have a safe Halloweeen--however you celebrate or not-- and see you all at Converences. We had 100% sign up. Thank You!!