Middle School English- 8th Grade

Course Description

The English classes are split into grade levels and I teach all three, sixth through eighth. I follow the CCSS standards and all lessons are based on these standards.
Literature stories are taught as well as non-fiction text. The students have spelling words which focus on Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes. Vocabulary words are also taught, which includes the SAT word lists. Spelling and vocab tests are held on Fridays and no time is given in class to study for them. 
Weekly writing is taught as well as large writing assignments. The requirements for answering questions in every assignment are threefold: Use part of the question in your answer, write in complete sentences, using correct grammar and punctuation is essential. 
Literature groups are utilized throughout the year with small group assignments and activities. 
Newsela.com articles are used weekly for non-fiction and current news throughout the world. 
Weekly Reading Logs are required which consist of: 100 minutes of reading non-school text per week. A full week is given to complete the reading log with the name of the book and time read each day recorded in the three subject notebook that is kept in class. Any book, magazine, digital text or newspaper can be used for the reading log as long as the parent approves the reading. I ask that assigned text for class not be used. Reading logs are due the following Monday after the assignment has been given. 
Homework for English class is as follows: Reading for the Reading log, studying for spelling and vocab tests, and any work that was not completed in class.