Middle School Social Studies

Course Description

Just like science, I use a 3-year curriculum but this is on a rotation.  Middle School students at MCS overwhelming wanted a social studies class that would allow them to interact with students in other classes beyond the elective classes. They explained that this multi-grade style approach allowed them to see other perspectives from students outside their grade and fostered more collaborative learning opportunities. The curricula for this class pulls from many different sources and goes far beyond the historical way of teaching history. Students do far more than memorize lists of dates and the names of countries and capitals. This class makes them think and connect to the world around them!
The following units are taught over the course of the cycle : 

Qtr 1 Early World History

Qtr 1 Africa

Qtr 1- Canada

World Geography

Why Study Africa

Indigenous Peoples and Pre-European Contact

Origins of Civilization

Africa Geography and History

Canadian Geography and Provinces

Greece and Rome

Africa Cultures, Economies, and Governments

North American Government Comparisons

Quarter Projects

Quarter Projects

Quarter Projects

Qtr 2 Europe

Qtr 2 Africa

Qtr 2- Mexico

Middle Ages

Studying Africa through the Humanities

Mexico/South Amer.- Indigenous Peoples and Pre-European Contact

Renaissance and Reformation

Regional Perspectives

Modern Mexico & Caribbean

Quarter Projects

Quarter Projects: African Country Case Studies

Quarter Projects

Qtr 3 Europe

Qtr 3 Asia

Qtr 3 Cent. & S. America

Industrial Revolution

China & Japan

Colonial Conquests & European Explorers

European Road Trip

European Explorers

The World Wars

India & Central Asia

South American Geography

Quarter Projects

Quarter Projects

Quarter Projects

Qtr 4 Modern Europe

Qtr 4 Asia

Qtr 4

The Holocaust

Middle East

Mexico & S. American Independence

Modern Europe

Modern Asia

Modern Central/South America

Quarter Projects: European Country Case Studies

Quarter Projects: Asian Country Case Studies

Quarter Projects Central/South American Country Case Studies